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10/31/05 -Monday:  MORE TESTING...
Today was a little bit different than most.  In the morning on the train ride to work, I created a special build of The Coming for community member Steve_Savicki.  Essentially, this player went through the game with the Aramus & Challseus supplied characters.  Now, he wanted to go through, but with his own characters.

Being the type of person who likes to accommodate others, I decided to do him this special favor.  There wasn't much of a code change.  I just had to test it thoroughly before giving it to him.  So now, when he starts the game, he will be brought to a DM area where he will be asked what story he wants to play.  From there, everything else will be the same, except for the fact that he will be using his own character.  

I also learned a lesson from this.  Yes, I can create game around pre-generated characters, but in reality, I don't have to force people to use them.  Knowing all of the issues that could arise, if someone wants to go through The Coming with a level 40 sorceress, who am I to stop them?

If there is anyone else who feels the same way that Steve_Savicki felt, just let me know, and I will send you the special build.  If enough people want it, I might just end up uploading it to the vault...

Anyway, I continued tweaking certain elements of the boss battle I have been working.  The biggest thing is the difficulty of it.  Combat is getting a lot more complicated as well as elaborate.  In The Coming, I more or less knew what items/abilities the player would have, but in Cry The Beloved, there is more customization, which means I will have more combinations of tests to perform.  Although it is a daunting thought, I am definitely up to the challenge.

Lastly, I have found this music track that I simply CANNOT wait to get in the game.  I literally have been listening to it on repeat through iTunes all day.  The music I have been using so far is really putting the music of The Coming to shame.  So much that I almost want to go back and change some of the music from The Coming.  Well, I won't go that far...Seriously though, I just get SO inspired when I listen to music like this.  I am the biggest day dreamer in the world, and when I get going, I just don't stop.  I can literally picture the scene that will use this music in my head.  I know every angle and elevation that I need to get in the shot.  I'm almost to the point of stopping everything I am doing now and creating that scene.  However, I know that I should finish what I am doing, and get an ALPHA out.  Sigh, so many things to do, so little time...

Till tomorrow...

Another Sunday...Another day of football...Another day the GIANT'S win.  For anyone who cares, the owner of the Giants passed away from cancer last Tuesday.  How did the Giants keep him in memory.  They spanked the Washington Redskins 36-9.  Oh, it was beautiful!

In between watching football, I managed to get some development done as well:)  First off, I finally got in 2 new custom tracks.  I have been procrastinating for a long time, but I finally bit the bullet and took care of it.  Essentially, I had this one track that had 2 parts in it that could have been used as 2 separate tracks...

So, in comes the audio editor in me.  I have many tools I use, and I definitely put them to the test today.  First, I had to convert the file from a m4a -> mp3, using River Past Audio Converter A month ago, I was using the trial version of this, but apparently, you can only convert 2 minutes of the track.  Bastards...It wasn't a big deal however:)  I just had to shell out $29.99 for the full version.  

In the end, $29.99 is a very small price to pay for getting this track in.  Plus, there will be many others that need to be converted.  Anyhow, after I converted the track, I had to use Audacity to actually cut up the track into 2 separate ones.  I had lots of experience in doing this for The Coming, so I felt right at home.  After all of this, I ended up with a new 1 track that will be played when a party member gets a new ability (i.e. theme that plays when Challseus learns teleport ).  The 2nd track is the new boss battle theme of the module.  Which brings me to my next subject...

I have just about put the finishing the touches on a new boss battle.  It is a very time consuming process, as I really want all of these types of battles to be unique, as well as special.  When I say special, I mean I want the player to feel very good after successfully beating said boss. I want to bring back those old school feelings of accomplishment.  For any of you Legend Of Zelda fans, just think about how you felt after you beat those knights in the 1st dungeon of Legend Of Zelda - A Link To The Past:)  I have to admit that I had great fun while fighting this battle this afternoon.  Add to that the new music I just converted (see above), and everything just felt as if it was really coming together.

I of course have other loose ends to tie up, such as certain enemies not being affected by Illuminate, although in retrospect, that doesn't seem like that would be such a bad idea...I also really, really, really hope to have an ALPHA out soon.  The input of community members is great, and getting it this early in development will lead to a better released game right off the bat.  We'll see...

Till tomorrow...

10/29/05 -Saturday:  I STILL DON'T GET IT, BUT I HAVE MOVED ON:)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I STILL don't get it, but I have moved on.  I worked on a couple of cut-scenes, 1 of which was new, the other was one I made last week.  I feel as if I have truly mastered Gestalt's Cut-scene Scripting Package I obviously made extensive use of it in The Coming, so I can knock them out quite fast now...

I also spend much of the day listening to various tracks that I want to put in this game.  Honestly, when I completed The Coming, I thought I could never get together another soundtrack of the same caliber.  I was wrong...So far, damn near every track in Cry The Beloved is just as good, if not better.

In fact, there is so much good music to pick from, that I am having issues picking just the right one.  Of course, I guess that isn't a bad problem to have:)

Till tomorrow...

10/28/05 -Friday:  I STILL DON'T GET IT...
Yes, I still can't get this wizard type character to cast spells.  I will probably just create a new blueprint.  Has to be something stupid...

I did a run though of the 1st and 2nd floors of the dungeon today, and compiled about a page worth of issues to deal with.  To be honest, that is all that I did.  I am coming to that point in the development where I am starting to get burnt out:(

My thought process is always something like this.. "I have to spend EVERY waking moment on Cry The Beloved so I can get it out before people stop caring about Neverwinter Nights."

In reality, if I don't develop for one day, the world won't come to an end...And that is that:)

Till tomorrow...

10/27/05 -Thursday:  SOMETIMES I JUST DON'T GET IT...
Throughout the development of my modules, some things just happen to really make me furious, and sometimes, I just don't get it.  Yes people, I am about to rant:)

So I'm creating this new creature, and it has the blueprint for a wizard, so it should be casting spells and whatnot.  For some reason however, it just seems content with running into battle and using melee attacks, rather than magic.

I mean, I gave it spells...I even added the X2_L_BEH_MAGIC (don't quote me on the syntax) variable to it, with a value of 100.  I get nothing...It is really frustrating when I just completed one my more complex scripting systems the day before.  Plus I have to factor in everything else that I have scripted ( Last Resorts, Unison Abilities, etc.).  This should be a piece of cake...

So why can't I just get this enemy to cast spells?  Well, I am sure it is something quite miniscule that I am missing, but it is frustrating, as I spent 90% of my time today trying to work it out...

Till tomorrow...

10/26/05 -Wednesday:  MORE SUMMON RELATED STUFF...
So now that I have a new custom summoning scripting system, it was time to put it to use.  That was until I realized I wanted to add another feature...

Essentially, summoners should be able have more than one creature summoned at one time.  So, I added the core scripting that would allow it.  Since the system was already quite flexible, it wasn't hard at all.  I tested the end result on Clopon, and I was quite satisfied to say the least.  Now, via conversation, you can choose which summons you want her to summon while in battles, as well as some other minor things.  So say she has the ability to summon an aqua constituent, as well as some other creature.  Now you can set if she should summon the aqua constituent as well as the other creature, OR you could opt to have her summon 2 aqua constituents instead.

Now that I have this working, I can finally create some new summons ( how much you want to bet I find something else to add to this system tomorrow morning?) .

10/25/05 -Tuesday:  FINALLY...
FINALLY... Finally, I am done with the refactoring of my summoning scripting system.  I really, really, really, underestimated how long it was going to take.

That said, I am very happy with the results.  As soon as I was done with the refactoring, I loaded up the module to make sure all of the functionality for Clopon's summon was working.  Everything worked like a charm.  I could explicitly ask her to summon an Aqua Constituent, as well as unsummon it.  In battles, after the summon would die, she would automatically summon another one.  My Unison Ability code even recognized the Aqua Constituent, so when I performed Whirlwind Heal, the Aqua Constituent was healed.

However, all of the work I did only took into account the current summons.  I still have to add the custom ones I was thinking about since last Sunday, but I made the code general enough to easily plug in new ones.

I am also feeling a lot more confident about this project again as well.  Sometimes, I just sometimes get so overwhelmed by everything that I don't feel as excited.  Luckily, I went through the same thing with The Coming, so I can just tell myself "Don't worry, you won't always feel like this!".

Actually, one thing that is very soothing to me is music.  Lots of the music you heard in The Coming, and will hear in Cry The Beloved is music I listen to everyday.  For those of you who don't know, 95% of the story of The Rose Of Eternity was brainstormed while listening to music from such artists as Enya & Yanni (can't believe I am admitting I love Yanni :)).  While listening to that music, I used to daydream so much about how I wanted to develop my own RPG, so when I listen to that music now, it brings a smile to face, knowing that I am achieving my goal:)

Anyways, now that I have my lovely new custom summoning system in place, it is time to start cranking out some custom summons.  I really look forward to jumping into that tomorrow morning.

Till tomorrow... 

10/24/05 -Monday:  MORE REFACTORING...
The refactoring of the summoning code continues.  It turns out there are A LOT more areas where it is being used.

For instance, I totally forgot about the code that checks if you have an Aqua Constituent summoned, as well as the code to have Clopon unsummon them.  If this were a year ago, I would be really pissed, but I know better now...I know that all of this refactoring is going to benefit me in the long run.

I also look at it from another perspective.  I am making an investment in my series.  What I mean by that is, until I get a job as a professional game designer, I will continue to release modules.  The fact that I had so many scripting systems from The Coming already set up has made the development of Cry The Beloved significantly easier.  I can only imagine the wealth of scripts I will have amassed after Cry The Beloved... That brings me to another point...

I know I have said this before, but dammit, I will say it again:)  In my eyes, I am a game designer 1st, and a programmer 2nd.  Yet, so far, the best part of development so far has been the scripting...Go figure!  Seriously though, my dream is to have my own development studio, where I lead a talented team of people.  I want to be the person walking around, having input EVERYWHERE.  Just like one of my idols, Shigeru Miyamoto.  For those who don't know him (how could you not), he is the world famous designer of Super Mario Bros, The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, Pikmin, and tons of other famous Nintendo Video Games.

Anyhow, as far as I know, he does not program.  Game Designers usually do not.  I wonder if I will ever be able to give up programming if I get that far with my dream...Of course, deciding to program or not in my own development studio is that bad of a problem to have:)

Till tomorrow...

P.S.  Anyone out there remember Super Mario Bros 3?  Of course you do!  Anyways, this is widely known, but I actually just got a chance to watch it tonight.  It is a tape of someone beating it in 11 minutes.  The skill of the player is uncanny.  For instance, if you remember the last World, there are many airship levels, with cannons being shot around.  The player must have gotten like 36 1-Ups by bouncing back and forth on top of them.  You really need to see this...

Video Of Player Beating Super Mario Bros. 3 In 11 Minutes!

Well, today was sort of interesting...First and foremost, I have accepted the fact that since Football season is currently underway, I will not get as much development time on Sundays.  That is of course if the NY Giants are playing...For all of you football fans out there, the NY Giants pulled off a stunning come from behind score to win against the Denver Broncos!  Okay, just had to add that in...

In between watching football, I decided that I wanted to add another summon to the game.  It was at this point that I decided I needed a overhaul of the scripting system I used in The Coming.

To my credit, the scripts that I used in The Coming, worked very good, and even better, was easy to understand.  Unfortunately, they didn't leave room for easy implementation of other summons.

As I have evolved in my mastery of NWScript, I have learned to rely on my manager design pattern for my scripts.  For instance, adding new Last Resorts or Unison Abilities is a piece of cake.  I was not using this design pattern with my summoning scripts, so I decided that for the greater good, I would have to destroy my current scripting system, and rebuild it into my manager design pattern.

And for you scripters out there thinking, "Why in the hell is it taking you a day to add summons", you must realize that I don't mean just simply adding some custom monster to the party.  This involves allowing them to take part in Last Resorts, be healed by Whirlwind Heal, allowing Clopon to determine which one she will summon in battle, etc.  The list goes on...

It took me about an hour to decide on how I wanted to implement it, but once I got going, things started coming together very nicely.  I believe that by the end of tomorrow, Clopon will be able to summon her Ice Constituents as she previously was.  Then, I will begin to add the new ones I was thinking about earlier this morning.  I am really looking forward to diversifying the current set of summons:)

Till tomorrow...

10/22/05 -Saturday:  GOT TO KEEP IT MOVING...
Well, because of the lack of sleep I was getting all week, I ended up not waking up until about 11:00 am this morning.  Now, mind you that I went to sleep at 10:00 pm the prior night, so that was about 13 hours:)  

The 1st thing I decided to do was run through the 2nd floor a couple of times to see how the new custom enemies were balanced.  Well, to say the least, they weren't:)  Previously, I was running this script that would give me 10 Tonics Of Rebirth, as well as various Robustness Tonics.  Well, once I stripped those away, the battles got very interesting to say the least.  Now, I can't know for certain what items the player will have at that point, so I will have to balance the enemies by assuming that the player will have minimal tonics.  However, the trick is to still make it challenging for those that do have many tonics.  This is the approach I took when developing The Coming , and it paid off, so I am going to stick with it.

I also ended up picking up the newest issue of PC Gamer, which had the 1st screenshots of Neverwinter Nights 2.  The graphics were of course mind blowing.  There was something else that interested me.  Contrary to popular belief, there is FULL PARTY CONTROL.  Why they came up with this henchman system for NWN 1 is beyond me, but I am SO glad they have seen the error of their ways.  This of course changes some things for Rose Of Eternity.  

For example, the developers said that you can at any time take control of a party member, and go somewhere with them.  This opens up so many possibilities for interactive areas.  Perhaps in some dungeon, you need a party member to stay standing on a pressure plate, while the rest of the party goes to another part of the area.  Now, this is certainly possible through scripting in NWN1, but to have the ability right out of the box means so much more to me.

In my opinion, the main advantage will be combat.  Perhaps we can get back to that Infinity Engine complexity of fighting.  The way my module works, that would be a godsend.  Performing Timed Unison Abilities would be so much more easier now if I could explicitly make each party member perform their part of the ability.  I can actually move Clopon back away from combat, instead of hoping that her AI makes the right decision.  I am really excited about the possibilities.  Going back to redo The Coming & Cry The Beloved is appearing to be more of a possibility now as well...

Till tomorrow...

10/21/05 -Friday:  5000th  DOWNLOAD!!!
I have finally reached my goal.  5000 downloads in a little over 3 months.  If everything goes according to plan, I will be inducted into the NWVault Hall Of Fame at the beginning of the next month.  I will do my thank you's when I am actually inducted...Moving on...

So, the morning started off horrible.  It was the coldest day of autumn, and the train didn't have the heat on.  I was so cold, that I didn't have the heart to even attempt to develop.  I could barely feel my fingers, let alone type on my laptop:)

The ride home was much better, and I got some work in.  I added more puzzles to the 2nd floor, which took a lot of scripting.  Even though the theme is the same as the 1st floor, it is slightly different, which meant more scripting.  

Usually on Friday nights when I get home, I just unwind from a stressful week from work, and keep my development time down to a minimum.  Well, today I was feeling the pressure of not meeting some of my mental timelines, so I spent about another 3 hours working.  I put the finishing touches on the scripting for some of the new puzzles.  I will actually to make sure they work tomorrow morning.

Till tomorrow...

Okay, so yesterday, I posted a thread over at the CTP forums asking if they made updates to the Dwarven Halls tileset.  One of the people who is apparently associated with the CTP answered, stating that he believed they had fixed the issue with enemies shooting walls.

As for the issue with the walls not going transparent, I guess I worded the question wrong, because he assured me NO tile set's walls go transparent when the PC is behind them.  I then tested the standard dungeon tileset, and I found out he was right.  What I should have asked about however is if they could fix it so the 2nd story tile could be transparent.  Anyone who has gone to the options screen has seen the option to hide 2nd story tiles and such.  I doubt they will be able to get the work in, but it won't hurt to ask...

Work continues on the 2nd floor.  After some more debugging, I think I will be able to start on the 1st major boss battle of the game.  The only thing I have to do is edit this new music file I am going to use for boss battles.  There is about 3 or so minutes in it that are perfect.  The other parts just wouldn't fit.

Finally, I apologize for the quality of these updates this past week.  Work (my real job) has been hell lately, and so I have been leaving my house at 7:00 am and not getting back till 9:00 pm.  Once everything settles down at work, I will be able to explain to them that I really need to take a vacation.  I really feel that once I get my vacation, I will get my energy back, and get back to developing more on the train and such.  As of now, I have only been doing about an hour each way, and sleeping the rest.  In fact, I am going to sleep early tonight so that maybe I could actually develop for the full 2 hours on the train tomorrow morning.

Till tomorrow...

10/19/05 -Wednesday:  COMMUNITY TILESET PACK...
So, today was a bit frustrating to say the least.  I was checking out the download page for Hythium II by Enoa4. The Dwarven Halls tileset that I am using was used in that particular module.  He just received a decent vote, yet the person complained about the different issues with the tileset (i.e. enemies shooting through walls).  

Although I am not going to use it as extensively, I still don't want the players to have any issues with it.  I already had a plan, but when I did my run through today, I could see how things could get slightly annoying for the player.  I was beginning to contemplate changing up the design of it a bit.

However, I suddenly remembered that I had a feeling that the CTP (Community Tileset Pack) was going to include it.  Lo and behold, I find out that it WILL be in the 1st release, AND they have made changes to it.

Now, I have not had confirmation that they fixed the issues, but I am crossing both fingers and toes that they did.  Oh man, it would be so great.  So, the plan is to go ahead with the dungeon, and implement all of the puzzles, enemies, bosses, etc., and hope that I get an answer within the next couple days.  Here's hoping...

Anyways, as I said I was going to do yesterday, I went through the entire module this morning on the train ride into work, as well as during the train ride home.  I hit a couple of snags, but I have worked around them.  The main thing is this damn concept of having the party members start conversations with the PC.  In The Coming, it was so much easier to just have a cut-scene.  Now, since I am using more dialogues, I still cannot get it where the script always fires.  

For instance, there is this boss battle, and after it is over, I want a conversation to start.  Normally, I would use a cut-scene, but I know how I everyone feels about that...The thing is, say the monster is killed, and the person that is supposed to start the conversation was in the middle of casting a spell when they were supposed to start the conversation.  It might not fire.  Even calling a ClearAllActions(TRUE) (my apologies to those who don't know the scripting language, nor care...) doesn't always work.  I do have an idea that I am going to try tomorrow morning however.

Till tomorrow...

10/18/05 -Tuesday:  TIME FOR A RUN THROUGH...
As the title suggests, I am ready to start a run-through of the game, which is something I haven't done for a while...

To prepare, I put the semi-finishing touches on this new custom obstacle.  When I say semi, that means that I will most likely come back to fiddle with it later.  I want to let some of the ALPHA testers tell me what they think about it before going any further.

After I run through the module, I assume that I will have about 1 page of issues that I will need to attend to.  Once I finish that, I will hopefully put the finishing touches on the 2nd floor of the dungeon.  I hope (why do I even give myself mental ETA's:) ) that I will finish it be the end of the week.

Hopefully, the 3rd floor should take them same amount of time as the 2nd.  Even though the 3rd floor will be bigger and more complex, I will be using many of the custom monsters/obstacles I created on the 1st 2 floors, so plugging them in will be easy.  Of course, I will have to scrape my brain for some new ideas concerning the 3rd floor, but I will deal with that when the time comes.  Again, I have a general idea of what I want, so everything else should just come together eventually (Confident little bastard, aren't I:)...

There is something I need to keep in mind when implementing this dungeon.  For some reason, the walls in this tileset don't go transparent when the PC is behind them.  So, I have to stay away from creating too many small corridors so the player doesn't have to constantly zoom in just to know where they are.  Luckily, I always envisioned big areas in this dungeon, so I don't have too much to worry about.  Still should keep it in the back of my mind however...

Till tomorrow...

10/17/05 -Monday:  STEADY PROGRESSION...
Things are coming along just fine.  It's funny, because I had just decided on how I wanted to proceed in the implementation of this dungeon, and out of nowhere, I came up with this idea a couple of days ago.

I have a pretty good working version of this new obstacle.  As you can most likely guess, it is totally custom, so it took a while to get it up, as I had to start from scratch.  That said, I am very happy with the results so far.

I believe what I am going to do after this floor and take another test run through the game.  I haven't done it in about 2 weeks, so it would be beneficial.  I am also gearing up for an ALPHA release (yeah yeah, I know I have been saying this for a month or so...), so I have to make sure the damn thing is playable:)  

Another small issue is the fact that I have been testing it the entire with many of the new custom abilities.  In other words, Aramus has abilities that he normally wouldn't have up until that point.  I feel it is time to take all of those abilities out to see how difficult all of the enemies really are.  If they are too hard, I will lower their stats accordingly.

Till tomorrow...

I felt like this was a very slow day, yet I accomplished much.  In the morning, I had breakfast with my old mentor.  To say the least, it was great to relive the old memories of me interning at his software company.  Besides being the CTO at his company, he teaches Game Development Courses at Marist College .  Ironically enough, even though he is my mentor, he always brags that I inspired him to get into video games.  Though I don't show it, it really makes me feel good inside.  

He also wants me to talk in front of some of his students next semester.  He wants me to explain to them everything I have been doing in order to get into the game industry.  Apparently, they all think it is easy.  I will be there to tell them they are wrong:)  It is full of hard, dedicated work that not everyone is cut out for...There is only one issue.  I completely loathe talking in front of large groups of people.  As Jerry Seinfeld once put it, at a funeral, I would rather be the guy in the casket, than the one giving the eulogy:)

So what did I work on?  Well, I basically dedicated the day to making the Last Resort system more robust.  1 thing that I have been wanting to do since The Coming is to have a way for the player to know how long they have until they can use a Last Resort again.

For example, say you are in a battle, and Clopon uses Protection Of The Roses.  Now, from all of the documentation I gave the players (mostly from the in game Rose Of Eternity Manual) , the player would know that her Last Resort would recharge in 10 minutes.  Well, in my opinion, that is not good enough.  They should be able to know exactly how much time is left.  Now, via conversation, the player can ask which ever party member they want to report how much time they have left until their Last Resort is recharged.  It is a little bit different for the PC, as you must go through the Rose Of Eternity Manual to find it out, much like you would to set if the PC should use Tonics Of Rebirth or not.  

I also did some minor work setting the foundation for party members being able to use 2 Last Resorts, much like Oracine did at the battle at Challseus' house.  Plus, even though I haven't implemented it, once party members hit higher levels, they will be able to earn new Last Resorts.  This is another reason I decided to add the ability to see how much time you have left.  

Tomorrow on the train ride to work, I will clean up how this info is presented to the player.  Right now, I have styled it the same way party members report to Aramus how much time they have until they can be revived.  Just have to sort out some minor issues...

Till tomorrow...

10/15/05 -Saturday:  NOT MUCH TODAY...
So, it was a slow day today, unfortunately.  Much of my day entailed staring at my laptop screen, brainstorming, and listening to potential music tracks.  I did add some more content to the second floor of the dungeon, but I did not actually add any new puzzles, or custom enemies.

I actually expect to move on to some other scripting tasks that have to get done eventually anyways.  I will have more to explain tomorrow.

On a more personal note, I am really looking forward to tomorrow morning.  My old boss/mentor and I are going to have breakfast at the local diner.  I look at him as a mentor because he is the one who motivated me to begin what is Rose Of Eternity.  I might have more to say about him tomorrow. ..

10/14/05 -Friday:  WHEN WILL THE RAIN STOP!!!
As indicated by the title, I am pretty much sick and tired of rain.  It has literally rained for a week straight.  Now, normally, I would not mind the rain.  However, since I now work in Manhattan, I must trudge through it just to get to my office.  The worst part is, I got a pretty nice umbrella, and it still does not stop the soaking of my feet and socks.  When I get on the train with soaked feet, the last thing I am thinking about is development.  So, I did not do much work on the train ride home...

In the morning however, I continued my work on the current floor of the dungeon, as I had finally come to a decision on how I wanted to proceed the prior night.  Not much to report, as it would all be spoilers...Rest assured that everything is coming together nicely. 

Till tomorrow...

10/13/05 -Thursday:  WHAT ELSE IS NEW...
So, the day started off very promising.  I was not feeling well in the morning, so I opted to stay home.  After chatting with my boss on IM, I took another short nap, and woke up feeling better.  I immediately began going through the code that I wrote when I was tipsy.  Lo and behold, I found my error.  Yes kids, definitely do not drink and code:)

With that slight embarrassment behind me, I decided to work on the dungeon again.  It was around noon time.  So what do I do?  I stupidly turn on the History Channel, and totally get engrossed in a documentary about the lost city of Atlantis.  Anyone who has been keeping up with these updates know that if I am at home developing, I need to keep the TV off, or I will lose my concentration...Well, things haven't changed.

Another thing that slowed things down was I just didn't know how I wanted to proceed with the design of the dungeon.  I am not one to just put things into a module for the sake of making it longer.  

That said, it has been quite the task to make every room have something unique in it.  Overall, I know what the main theme of the dungeon is, but that main theme will not be reached until another floor.  I still had to add things to the current floor, but keep it fresh and original.  About 5 hours later, I finally decided on how I wanted to proceed...It is quite frustrating, but I have to look on the bright side.  Had I not stayed at home, it would have taken me about 2 days of trips back and forth on the train to get to my final decision.

On a positive note (not sure if I ever mentioned this or not), I have about 20 days of vacation time left.  If everything goes according to plan, I should be taking my 1st week off in a couple of weeks.  Where am I going you ask?  I am going straight to my room, where I will attempt to keep the TV off, and get as much development time in as possible.  Spend my vacation time developing, you ask?  Damn straight:)  At this point in my life, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my vacation.  That should tell you you how much I am willing to do to get a job in the game industry.  I look at it this way.  Work like hell now, so I can enjoy the fruits of my labor later.  Hopefully, I won't get too burned out in the process:)

Till tomorrow...

I continued work on the new custom ability system today.  It was quite frustrating, because I am running into many run-time errors, and I think I know why.  I went out for some drinks with some co-workers Tuesday night, and I started the core part of the scripts on the train ride home while I was still a little tipsy:(  Let that be a lesson.  Don't drink and code:)

I also got to reflect a bit on how the development of Cry The Beloved is coming.  After The Coming, I have definitely gotten better at estimating deadlines and such.  Although I am a little bit behind schedule, things are coming along smoothly.  Sometimes, I look at the current areas I have and think that I am falling behind even further, but then I remember all of the time I have been putting into various custom systems, which would have to be done at some point anyways.  Well, I just have to keep it going...

Till tomorrow...

10/11/05 -Tuesday:  INTERESTING DAY...
Anyone who doesn't care about my personal life should just skip to the 3rd paragraph...Not sure if anyone cares, but dammit, I'm going to post it anyways:)  Essentially, things at my the office have been hectic as of late, which sort of explains why I haven't been posting at the main download page during the day.  Essentially, my old company, Vindigo , merged with another company, Zingy So, the original workers of Vindigo received a bonus that was promised to us earlier in the year this past September 30th, 2005.  People used to joke that once they got their bonus, they would resign.  Well, in 6 work days, we have lost 6 people, with a lot more to come...

How does this affect me?  Well, besides lots more work, I might get transferred back to another team that lost 2 people.  This might mean that I will have less J2ME Game Work to do.  I plan on having a meeting with my boss to make sure I can continue to do this.  If not, then it might be time for me to move on as well...Okay, back to the stuff people care about...

So, this morning, I added 4 more conversations that Jason had edited to their respective NPC's.  I was really behind on that, so I was happy to get it done.  In general, I haven't done anything related to Dematol in a while, so it was good to get a refresher.  It also reminded me of how much stuff still needed to be done.  But I won't think about that now:)

On the train ride home, I sort of got stuck on what I wanted to do on the second floor of the dungeon, so I switched gears a bit.  I knew I have some new custom potions to create, so I went ahead with that.  Luckily, I already had a very good idea of what I wanted, so I was able to create 2 in less than an hour.  I shouldn't have to remind anyone, but when I say custom, I do not mean just taking an existing potion and slapping a new name on it.  These new potions have custom scripts attached to them.  There are many more to come, but I stopped at 2 for the time being.

I also was able to create the foundation of yet another custom ability system.  Now, some of you may be thinking, "Damn Challseus, how many custom ability systems are there?  I am starting to get confused...".  All of these custom systems will be well integrated into the existing framework on NWN, and they will (hopefully) be very intuitive.  Also, not every custom system is as complicated as the Last Resort or Unison Ability systems.  You have to remember, Rose Of Eternity was a brain child before I even knew of NWN, so many of the things I wanted to do with it aren't readily available out of the box with NWN, hence the need for everything to be custom.  In short, if you were not confused with a lot of the custom systems of The Coming, you will be fine with Cry The Beloved.  And do remember, the Rose Of Eternity Manual will obviously be greatly expanded, so no one should ever not know how to do something in the game.

I plan finish up the core scripting of the new system tomorrow, perhaps create some more custom potions, and then get back to work on the dungeon.

Till tomorrow.

10/10/05 -Monday:  EMAILS, EMAILS, & MORE EMAILS...
I won't even beat around the bush.  I did not finish anything today.  I worked a bit on the ride back from Buffalo, but for some odd reason, my battery only last an hour or so...Go figure...

What I did do when I got back was sift through the countless e-mails I had received over the past 3 days.  I really feel overwhelmed at this point.  I desperately need to look at 3 new conversations Jason has edited for me, as well as getting some more conversation requirements to Amy and the other writers.  I really fell behind this past weekend, and I publicly apologize for that:(

I should be back in full swing of things tomorrow however.

Till tomorrow...

10/9/05 -Sunday:  KEEPING IT MOVING...
Well, lets just get this out of the way.  The Buffalo Bills actually won a football game!!!  Now, I am a NY Giants fan to the grave, but it was good to see the Bills win a game.  Okay, back to the stuff people really care about...

So, I did not get as much development time as I wanted.  For one, we did not get back from the football game until about 6:00 pm.  After dinner, I promptly locked myself downstairs and tried to get as much done as I could.

I finished up a mini-boss fight that I had been working on for the past couple of days.  It involves the new monster I created, and I anticipate that 95% of the people who play Cry The Beloved will not be able to defeat this creature the 1st time through.  However, after learning the proper strategy, I think most will be able to survive the 2nd time around.

I also implemented the next type of puzzle scheme, staying consistent with the other puzzles in the dungeon.  I have to point out that I have not even added the extras to this dungeon yet, such as sound effects, and placeables.  I was tempted early on, but I decided that I would do that after I have finished the entire dungeon, as there will be many complicated scripted scenes that I want to knock out early on.

I hope to finish up more of the 2nd floor during the 6 hour car ride home tomorrow morning.  I obviously missed my mark of getting the 2nd floor done by the end of the weekend, but that'll happen in game development.  As an aside, I will never, EVER, get mad at developers because some game they had been working on was was delayed...I know too well the a small percentage of the issues that can arise...

Till tomorrow...

10/8/05 -Saturday:  SO LITTLE TIME...
What a long day...I went to sleep at midnight, just to wake up at 4:00 am in the morning.  We ended up leaving for Buffalo around 5:30 am, and got there around 12:30 pm.  I slept for most of the trip, although I have to admit that I snuck in about 2 hours of development time.

After having some lunch, I did about another 2-3 hours worth of work.  To my surprise, I successfully finished implementing the 2nd custom monster of the dungeon.  This one is not significantly tougher than the previous one, although it definitely has a different way it should be killed.  To say the least, I am proud with how the design of these enemies has been coming.

Well, I will be at a tail gate party in the morning, and the game will start at 1:00 pm.  I expect to get home around 6:00 pm, and I will hopefully be able to continue with development then...

So, as I mentioned yesterday, I will be away in Buffalo, New York for the weekend for a football game.  It just dawned on me however that I might not have access to the internet:(  So, this could be my last update for the weekend...I will however keep track of what I did, and if worse comes to worse, I will just post everything on Monday when I get back.  My apologies...

Not much to talk about today, as most of my work was concept stuff.  I essentially created a new monster for the second floor.  The interesting thing about this new enemy is that it will interact with it's surroundings.  I do not want to spoil any more about it, but I am quite pleased with how it is progressing.  It is innovations like that which make me believe that people will really love Cry The Beloved a lot more than The Coming.

Till Monday:)

10/6/05 -Thursday:  MORE 2ND FLOOR WORK...
Work continues on the 2nd floor of the dungeon.  Things are moving at a somewhat brisk pace...  Things could be faster, but I have had other real world events getting in the way (i.e. staying late at work).

What I was able to finish up (more or less) is the 1st puzzle of the floor.  This one took some tricky scripting, but it ended up working in the end.  I just have to polish the effects, confirmation of puzzle success, and other minor things before I can move on the next room.

I will be going away to Buffalo this weekend for a football game (Buffalo Bills vs. Miami Dolphins), so I hope to spend much of tomorrow night getting as much development time in as possible.  It would be nice to finish up this floor by the end of the weekend.

Till tomorrow...

10/5/05 -Wednesday:  ON TO THE 2ND FLOOR...
Well, I almost made my deadline...I wanted to have started both the 2nd floor of the dungeon, as well as a new custom monster.  As indicated by the title of this update, I only got a chance to start the 2nd floor...Oh well, can't have everything go right:)

So, the tricky part of each subsequent floor of the dungeon is to appropriately increase the difficulty of the puzzles as well as the enemies, without making it too annoying to the player. As I am a stickler for details, it might take a bit longer than I anticipated...

As far as what is done, I only just began to create the 1st puzzle of the floor.  For the sake of consistency, this puzzle has the same mechanics as the puzzles on the previous floor, but with a twist.  Hopefully, I will have more to report about tomorrow.

Till tomorrow... 

10/4/05 -Tuesday:  ALMOST DONE WITH 1ST FLOOR...
So, although my goal was to finish the 1st floor by tonight, my ambition got in the way a bit:)  The main mechanics are finished, as well as the puzzles, but I still spent the majority of the train ride home from work touching up the look and feel.  Again, I am really trying to go for something unique.  The good news is that since all the content of the dungeon will be consistent, once I am done finalizing it for this 1st floor, it will be easy to plug it in to other floors.

Regardless of where I am tomorrow, I really want to move onto the next floor, as well as the next custom monster.  I can always come back later during the polish stage to make it look prettier.  It would really be nice if I could finish this entire dungeon in the next 2 weeks.  We will see...

Till tomorrow...

Okay, I have officially had 4 great development days in a row:)  I hope I can keep this streak up.  I continued work on the 1st floor of my new dungeon.  Much like the past 3 days, I am having great fun.

A major part of today was getting a consistent look to the various objects that will be in these dungeons.  I want to get it to a point where if someone is playing through a dungeon, they will say "Oh, this must be a dungeon designed by Challseus" .  I am currently using CEP 1.01 , but I am thinking of switching to CEP 1.52 .  I just know that they will have a lot more content for me to play with.  

I am also finally getting to a part of the game that I so wanted The Coming to have...Fun, dynamic combat with a full party.  I probably spent a good 2 hours just going through the 1st floor of the dungeon, just so that I could have an excuse to get into fights with my party of 4.

At this point, I really want to get the game into the hands of the testers, but not everything is linked as of yet.  What I mean is, there is a certain scene that will play before you enter the dungeon.  The thing is, I haven't scripted it yet:)  I was in such a rush to get to something new that I said "Screw it, I'll go back later".  So, I guess that will have to hold off for the time being...Back to the combat...

As I mentioned before, I have finished creating a new custom monster, and I will start working on another one in the coming days.  The plan (although I cannot promise it will happen) is to have every monster/enemy in this dungeon to be fully custom (Last Resorts, special ways to kill, etc).  I don't plan on just grabbing something from the normal monster palette.  

It's sort of funny, because this new monster has been kicking my butt every once in a while.  If the designer of a module gets beaten by his own monsters, then the difficulty has to come down a bit:)  There is however a definite strategy that can be used to defeat them.  As with The Coming, I will leave it up to the players to figure this out.  As an aside, the Rose Of Courage (item from The Coming that taunts enemies towards Aramus) has been coming in handy as of late.  Funny how something I designed a year ago is still working...

If I am lucky, and ambitious, I should be able to finish up the 1st floor by tomorrow night.  Then onto the second floor, where things will start to get very interesting...

Till tomorrow:)

10/2/05 -Sunday:  I MIGHT BE HAVING TOO MUCH FUN!!!
Starting work on this new dungeon was probably the smartest thing I have done in a while.  This is just what Cry The Beloved as a whole needed.  My confidence is sky high, and most importantly, I am having tons of fun:)

I continued work on the main floor of the dungeon.  Being the perfectionist I am, I literally spent all day making it look perfect.  One thing that I always strive to have is gorgeous looking areas.  Now, I am a firm believer that game play makes a game, not graphics.  However, if the game-play is good, then by all means, make the graphics good.  A classic example of this (in my opinion) is many new generation console games.  It seems that they spend too much time worrying about the graphics, and not enough on the game-play.  An example of a game that has great graphics and great game-play would have to be Ninja Gaiden Black for the XBOX.   Okay, enough of my crazy tangents:)

Besides working on the look of the dungeon, I also spent some time creating the puzzle system.  As it stands, the way that you handle puzzles will be recurring throughout the entire dungeon.  Now, I don't mean I will be rehashing the same puzzle, but the mechanics will be the same.  It is hard to explain without giving away spoilers, but it will make sense when people play through it.

It's funny, because even though the Dungeon Of Trials was my first dungeon, I still feel as if this is my 1st real one.  The Dungeon Of Trials was more of a teaser.  I always had great aspirations of what I wanted in The Coming, but reality and time set in, and I just couldn't do it.  So, this is a long time coming.

Another thing I am happy about is the music selection.  I literally had about 7-8 songs that I was initially picking from, when I listened to a track that I haven't heard in a while.  I immediately knew it was perfect, so I converted it to a . bmu file immediately and put it in the game.  It was truly the icing on the cake, so to speak.

Well, being the realist that I am, I know that because of the depth of this dungeon, this is really only the beginning of a lot of hard work to come, but so far, I am really off to a good start.

Till tomorrow...

P.S.  I want to thank everyone who has been frequenting this site lately.  I finally hit the 10,000th visitor, and that really makes me happy.  I haven't really talked about it much, but I am a stat fiend.  I have stats for everything NWN related (I won't go into specifics at this time), but I also have stat tracking software for the website.  The amount of hits I receive to these particular daily updates pages is amazing.  Again, thanks...

10/2/05 -Sunday:  I MIGHT BE HAVING TOO MUCH FUN!!!
Well, I have officially left Toronto.  It was without a doubt one of the best experiences I have ever had.  I know I keep saying this, but things are so much better when someone else is paying:) So, thank you Zingy :)

So, at first, I wasn't interested in the training (not that I can remember...).  Essentially, the company I work for purchased some software that is used to port J2ME games to various handsets.  For some reason, they wanted us to have a weeks worth of training with it...To be honest, I didn't care for it too much, but then I came to a realization.

Myself and others on my team are going to be handling the porting of ALL the J2ME games that we publish.  I now realize that it is something I can put on my resume, along with Rose Of Eternity.  After the week of training, I found out that I would be editing a lot of J2ME code, not just hitting a magic switch that would port the game.  Anyhow, in my eyes, any game experience is good experience.  Now back to the normal updates...

So, I have finally settled on the Dwarven Halls by JDA for some dungeons in Cry The Beloved.  The download size isn't really large (5MB), and I have a really good feeling that it will be included in the upcoming CTP (Community Tileset Pack).  There are some quirks in it that I am trying to work around however...

One is this issue where enemies/party members can see/attack through walls.  My current workaround is to actually just make the walls double thick, so that even a monster/party member with the highest perception will not be able to be in range.  It isn't a bad solution, but let me tell you, I was very pissed earlier today while on the train.  I was thinking, "Great, here is another great tileset I can't use..." .

Actually, NWN module deity Adam Miller has apparently made a fix to the tileset to fix said problem, and posted at the download page about it.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as if JDA is checking the page, so I am not sure if it will get in or not.  I am planning on e-mailing Miller tonight to see if he would send me the update.  Hopefully, he isn't too busy for the likes of me:)

So with my current fix in, I continued work on my new dungeon.  I created a new custom monster, which I think people will like.  I actually spent many hours fighting various numbers of said monster with a full party, to balance their difficulty.  As of now, fighting 1 or 2 at the same time is hard, but doable.  3 or more is currently posing a problem if I just rush in and attack.  However, if I make the use of Illuminate, Unison Abilities, Last Resorts, and the other custom abilities I have created, the battle is definitely doable.  

Many people said that combat in The Coming was very difficult, until they learned the proper strategies.  This IS NOT changing.  In fact, the beginning of this module so far is right on the same difficulty level as when you fought the Defenders Of Legacy soldiers in front of Dematol at the end of The Coming.

Going back to the monster that I created, when I say custom, I don't mean I only switched around stats and such.  As in The Coming, this monster has a Last Resort, and I am thinking about putting in some other custom feature (i.e. Shinkara Shadows fleeing from Illuminate).   My plan is to have 95% of the enemies in this game fully custom, with new and exciting ways of defeating them.  I don't want anyone to say "Sigh, I have fought this enemy in about 6 other modules...").   We'll see what I come up with:)

Till tomorrow:)


Website contents copyright (c) 2006 by Leonard Bedner